This july I visited Dovrefjell and found arctic fox cubs again. The scream of the cubs inside a scree revealed very young foxes.
Then it was time to step back to avoid disturbing the arctic fox, which
is an rare and endangered mammal in Norway mainland.
In september my friend an I visited the area again and had magical experiences with the curious and graceful young foxes.
Bård Bredesen
Veldig veldig bra serie :)
SvarSlettHyggelig at du likte dem.
SlettJeg ser at du også har fått fine bilder av fjellrevene.
Hvitrevene hadde tydeligvis nydelig vinterdrakt allerede for noen uker siden.
Fantastic pictures
SvarSlettThank you.
SvarSlettYou have nice pictures of vicent, marten, woodpeckers and even lynx from Białowieża.
Wonderfull place: see also